Contact Form
Lang Office: East Boca Raton
# of Years in Real Estate: 19 years
Other industry/professional experience: 10 years in commercial real estate
Area of real estate expertise:
- Commercial: shopping centers, strip centers, apartment buildings, warehouses, hotels and motels, condo conversions, vacant land and 1031 exchanges. Cover the entire state of Florida.
- Residential: horse ranches, waterfront properties, high rise condominiums. Cover from Jupiter down to Miami.
Qualities that make me a real estate professional: Honesty, integrity, determination to find the right property for the client, knowledge of the market.
I joined Lang Realty because: Lang was rapidly developing itself as the number one real estate firm in Boca Raton. They had an outstanding reputation as a real estate company. I wanted to be with a company where the owner was hands-on and reachable for help. They wanted me to start up their commercial real estate.
Currently live in: I live in Boca Raton and have been living here since since 1990 (visiting the area since 1980).
Additional info: I have worked with a wide range of clients form a small condo purchase or a boat dock sale up to a Fortune 500 company and a $100+ million dollar acquisition. I continue to do both commercial and residential. There is no deal too small or too big for me to handle. You will receive the same amount of dedication and professionalism on all real estate transactions. I also have extensive knowledge of marketing and advertising or properties.